Automatic Success Mechanism

This Automatic Success Mechanism within you a highly complex automatic goal seeking machine that steers its way to a target or goal by use of feed back data and stored information, automatically correcting course when necessary can operate in only one way. It must have a target to shoot at. As the famous golf instructor Alex Morrison said, you first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it.

When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative”success mechanism” within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or willpower.

Instead of trying hard by conscious effort to do the thing by iron-jawed willpower, all the while worrying and picturing to yourself all the things that are likely to go wrong, you simply relax, stop trying to “do it” by strain and effort, picture the target you really want to hit, relieved thereafter from effort and work, but your efforts are used to carry you forward toward your goal, rather than in futile mental conflict which results when you want and try to do one thing, but picture yourself something else.

Imagination: The Ignition Key to Your Automatic Success Mechanism The New Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S

Spiritualpreneur who Coaches from Spirit. I have had the great honor of working with Spiritually Psychic Woman such as Dr. Lisa Reed and Sharon Wilson using spiritual and holistic principles, turning tragedy into transformation by tapping into and utilizing your intuitive abilities to help you reach the next level in life. Background in Public Relations and Research for Dr. Lisa Reed on CTR Network - Internet Talk Radio of Simply Spiritual Solutions.

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